Oxygenation in the elderly
Allowing the entry of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide through the process of respiration, as well as later the perfusion of oxygenated blood through the cardiovascular system are indispensable processes for the life of the human being. Because oxygen is essential to the cellular functioning of all devices and systems, so its presence in adequate quantities makes it possible for the organism to function properly and with it the ability to carry out the activities of daily life. However, during the stage of old age, a series of anatomical and physiological changes are produced due to the aging process which, combined with the presence of respiratory problems, alter the satisfaction of the need for oxygenation. Therefore, a focused assessment of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is necessary to identify the real or potential problems to which an eldery is exposed to satisfy the need for oxygenation and based on this, provide nursing care using various methods. technologies, in order to achieve the satisfaction of this need in the elderly to improve their quality of life.
Differentiate between the anatomophysiological changes typical of the normal aging process and health problems, according to the manifestations of dependence, to provide timely nursing care in the need for oxygenation.